love school with sumi: 29 small things i learned in the past year
coconut cake with lemon curd, strawberries, and rainbow sprinkles made by bex for my birfday.
this week i turned 29. here is a list of small things i learned which made life more magic:
morning walks in the forest with karuna is good medicine.
i am proud to be a community organizer.
light a candle & pull tarot on it when you don’t know.
press a bottle cap into the back of bar soap to keep it from dissolving.
when i wear a cowboy hat, i feel more friendly but also tough.
if there is an opening, always - and i can’t stress this enough - ask about the moon sign.
the bedside table can be a sweet altar.
if you see something in the store & it strikes you & you can afford it, you don’t have to wait to buy it. you can get it right then. (this one took me a really long time to learn)
i’m on a life path of being a politicized healer.
the podcast can be a morning sermon if i choose right.
color coding my bookshelf feels good for my eyes.
looking at pictures of big cats & other mammals reminds me of who i am, where i come from, and what i’m connected to. (michelle mascarenhas-swan)
so much is possible when you make it your job to love your people really really well. (toni morrison)
we build trust and trustworthiness with each other through the small things. (brene brown)
when you gather with people on purpose, it does something when you acknowledge the land.
ask people, especially people i really respect, for clarification when i don’t understand what they’re talking about.
studying herbs in the early morning hours before work feels good.
a bowl of cherries everyday in the summer makes for real restful sleep at night.
a lot is possible when both people want to transform.
pay attention to the energy underneath what someone is saying.
harvesting honeysuckle from the neighborhood and making an elixir (honey & brandy) is pleasure medicine.
making a garland from dogwood flowers and putting it on karuna, just because, reminds me that we can experience a lot of joy in spite of capitalism.
saying “i’m sorry” inside the fight when i realize i’ve misstepped can change the whole thing.
it’s not necessary to be likable or liked by people you work with. what matters is being trusted. (mariame kaba)
i feel nourished when i see a banana tree in durham because that’s me.
reading hand written love notes from my partner while we’re in a LDR is (mercury in virgo) romance medicine.
“i am not above or below anyone” is a mantra.
a day trip to the ocean is worth it.
bitch is a whole ecology, kinship network, and compelling text message.