february 2023 herbal meditation: DIY dandy blend
BIG UPDATE: I’ve decided to close the herbal patreon project (for now). That means this will be the last herbal gift + meditation for the foreseeable future! I’ve loved doing this monthly ritual for the past 11 months with y’all. I’m looking forward to focusing my energy in 2023 on new sumistreet projects, writing, and continuing my anti-caste political education journey with a small group of radical South Asians across the U.S.
The best way to keep in touch and learn about upcoming offerings: IG and newsletter!
roasted dandelion & chicory root blend
virgo moon digestion support goals 🔥
made with: dandelion root and roasted chicory root from starwest botanicals
gift inspired by: dandy blend! a herbal beverage that helped me work more easily with dandelion, a bitter herb. this is my DIY / bare bones version of dandy blend. if you <3 this offering, i suggest giving DB a try.
how to use: drink a cup between meals, or 30 minutes before a meal, or right after a meal to support digestion. recipe below!
medicinal benefits: dandelion offers amazing liver support. it flushes toxins from our liver and stimulates digestion, increases digestive enzymes, and can have a gentle laxative effect. both herbs are great source of prebiotic fiber (inulin).
contraindications: do not use and/or first check with a physician if taking lithium, antibiotics, blood thinners, diuretic medicine (“water pill”), heart or blood pressure meds, are allergic to ragweed or pollen, or if pregnant or chestfeeding.
was processed using a coffee grinder and may have some traces of coffee bean (just FYI if you have an intense coffee allergy!)
astro timing: right after the new moon in pisces —> moon in aries.
TLDR: basically make it like you would coffee in a french press, starting with 1/2 teaspoon of the blend.
2 cups boiling water
1.5 teaspoons dandelion + chicory blend (increase if you want a darker brew)
Creamer/milk or non-dairy milk (y’all know my choice is chobani extra creamy oat milk)
Sweetener (honey, maple syrup, sugar) — unless you’re super into bitter beverages, I would not skip this ingredient!
French press (if no press, a pot and fine mesh strainer will work)
Optional add-ins: 1/4 TSP of cinnamon, cacao powder, vanilla extract or syrup, or chili powder
Bring 2 cups water to a boil.
Measure chicory + dandelion root powder blend into a french press. Add any optional add-ins at this time (ex. cinnamon).
Pour boiling water into the press, stir, insert plunger and lid without pressing down. If you don’t have a press, do this process in a pot.
Allow to sit for at minimum 4 min (can sit up to 20 min if you want a stronger brew).
Press the tea, or strain it into mugs.
Add milk/substitutes and sweetener if desired. I like to foam my oat milk with maple syrup using a frother and then add it in (gives at-home latte vibes~).
Sprinkle cinnamon powder on top! (optional)